A podcast about manifesting, mindset, achieving your goals, and most importantly, creating a life that sparks the light inside of you.
Spark Your Light
You know that incredible feeling when your light is sparked? You might find it while watching the sunset with loved ones, creating momentum towards your dreams or by taking some time to map out your vision, values and goals. Sometimes it’s found in the first sip of morning coffee or in bright smile of your newborn baby.
I have one goal for my life- to feel sparked. And I believe that we have the power to design our lives in a way that sparks our light. This doesn’t mean that we’ll never face challenges or have bad days. In fact, I believe that challenges and failures are essential components to creating a life that sparks you.
My mission for the Spark Your Light Podcast is to help you create a life that sparks the light inside of you. Through personal stories and expert interviews, I will guide you through designing a life that lights you up inside.
Most Downloaded Episodes
Manifesting $5 Million in Less Than 5 Years with Kathrin Zenkina
Why you need to start today
How to Find Passion & Purpose in Your Life with Tori & Heidi Ganahl
Rewriting Your Story with Efia Sulter
Falling in Love With Your Life Today
Catch Up on the Latest Episodes
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Ranks in the top 1.5% of all podcasts globally
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